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0x02 Getting Instances

QuickShop-Hikari has two types of instances.

  • QuickShopAPI - Contains the APIs you need to develop Addon.
  • QuickShop - Internal instances of QuickShop, which can be used when you need deep inheritance with QuickShop-Hikari

Code Example

There are multiple ways to get instances of QuickShop.

Getting with static method

QuickShopAPI api = QuickShopAPI.getInstance();
QuickShop internalInstance = QuickShopAPI.getPluginInstance();

Getting with Bukkit Service Manager

RegisteredServiceProvider<QuickShopProvider> provider = Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegistration(QuickShopProvider.class);
if (provider == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("QuickShop hadn't loaded at this moment.");
QuickShopAPI api = provider.getProvider().getApiInstance();
QuickShop internalInstance = provider.getProvider().getPluginInstance();

Getting with direct internal call


This approach is not recommended and compatibility may be poor.


QuickShopAPI api = (QuickShopAPI)QuickShop.getInstance();
QuickShop internalInstance = QuickShop.getInstance();

You're done

Once you get an instance of the plugin API, most of the operations can be done through the instance.