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When using the QuickShop Hikari service, we will send the necessary and partial optional data to the relevant service provider.


We use to collect statistical indicators so that we can better improve our products.

bStats's Privacy Policy

All data collected will be displayed on this page: bStats - QuickShop-Hikari

Quit bStats Metrics

To quit bStats metrics, you can disable bstats service in QuickShop-Hikari's configuration:

#Disallow QuickShop to send metrics data to bStats.
#Please let the metrics enabled, it helps the author :).
disabled-metrics: false

Note: The collected data won't deleted from bStats, to remove exists data, please contact bStats administrators.
Note: We respect your bStats global settings, if you has been disabled bStats in global, we won't send any data to bStats.

Rollbar Error Tracking

We use Rollbar to collect error reports. All errors on your server which related to QuickShop-Hikari will be automaticlly submit to our Rollbar bin.

You can check Rollbar's Privacy Policy here.


  • Time
  • Error and StackTrace
  • OS Name
  • OS Arch
  • OS Version
  • System CPU Cores
  • Java Version
  • Server/Bukkit Build Version
  • Server Players
  • Online Mode
  • Your QuickShop-Hikari unique ID

Regenerate QuickShop-Hikari unique ID

While you install QuickShop-Hikari in fresh, the your unique ID will be generated and write into your config.yml.
The ID does not depend on any other information for calculation and is completely random, It is used in our bug tracking and other scenarios where different QuickShop-Hikari instances need to be identified.

In case you are sure that no addon is using this value, you can remove this from the configuration file so that QuickShop-Hikari will generate a new unique ID.

Quit Rollbar Error Tracking

To quit Rollbar Error Tracking, you can disable rollbar service in QuickShop-Hikari's configuration:

# Should QS be allowed to automatically report errors to the author?
# It will also create a paste for data-recovery or debug when the server boots up.
auto-report-errors: true

Note: The collected data won't deleted from Rollbar, to remove exists data, please contact QuickShop-Hikari developer.


When you creating a paste by /quickshop paste command, you data will upload to Lucko's Bytebin.
To avoid data uploading, you can create local paste by using command /quickshop paste file, the paste will save to your local disk without uploading.

The Paste Viewer hosting on Github Pages, access the uploaded data through CloudFlare Worker.

While we generating your Paste, we will censor your sensitive data, Don't send your Paste to anyone you don't trust.

IP Detecting

We will send an IP lookup request to CloudFlare to determine if your server is located in mainland China. For more information, please see: Regional legal restrictions.

The URL we will request:


For checking update, QuickShop-Hikari will request's Nexus for checking updates.

To disable update checker, you can turn it off by adjust the configuration:

#Should QS be allowed to check for updates?
updater: false


When you donating on, ko-fi will collect your personal data, click here to check ko-fi's privacy policy.

Your personal data will also send to Ghost_chu's web server for showcase your name on our supporter list, including:

  • Time
  • Your Ko-fi username.
  • Donation Type
  • Is public
  • Message ID
  • Message
  • Kofi Transaction ID
  • Tier Name

The data collected is stored in the territory of the People's Republic of China and is managed in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the server location (Beijing).
To remove your data, please contact QuickShop-Hikari developer.

The data below will show up for everyone at here:

  • Time
  • Type
  • Your Ko-fi username

If you donation has been set to private, it won't show up.