

QuickShop-Hikari support H2 and MySQL two types of databases.


#MySQL database settings.
#false = use local SQLite database.
#true = use local/remote MySQL database.
mysql: false
# The database address. (Only required if mysql is true)
host: localhost
# The database port. (Only required if mysql is true)
port: 3306
# The database names. (Only required if mysql is true)
database: quickshop
# The database username. (Only required if mysql is true)
user: root
# The database password. (Only required if mysql is true)
password: passwd
# Set prefix to "none" to remove prefix (Both local and remote will be used).
prefix: "qs_"
# Should QuickShop use SSL for database connections? (Only required if mysql is true)
usessl: false
# Properties for creating connections, you can add your own properties for datasource here. (Both local and remote will be used).
connection-timeout: 60000
validation-timeout: 3000
idle-timeout: 60000
login-timeout: 10
maxLifeTime: 60000
maximum-pool-size: 8
minimum-idle: 2
cachePrepStmts: true
prepStmtCacheSize: 250
prepStmtCacheSqlLimit: 2048
useUnicode: true
characterEncoding: utf8


If you want to migrate your quickshop data from one type of database to another type, you can export your data then import them.

Execute the /quickshop export command in console, quickshop will export a zip which include shop datas.

exported data

Stop your database, switch the datasource, and start the server.
You may noticed all shops are gone, because new datasources had no data inside, we will restore them from export.

Rename that exported ZIP file to recovery.zip, execute /quickshop recovery and restart your server, all shops should back.