
[Ronsane] Shop Search

An add-on for the QuickShop Reremake and Hikari spigot plugin. Adds a /finditem command in game for searching through all the shops on the server.


  • Search items based on buying/selling shops
  • Search items by item type
  • Supports query based item search
  • Supports item custom model data for custom items
  • Configurable shop sorting methods
  • Displays enchantments in the result for enchanted items
  • Hides item enchants if item has hide_enchants flag
  • Displays potion effects in the result for Potion items
  • Hide certain shops from appearing in search lists
  • Supports completely safe direct shop teleportation (configurable in config.yml)
  • Ignores shops that are out of stock
  • Support for world blacklisting (Shops in blacklisted worlds are ignored in the search result)
  • All messages in the config.yml support hexcodes so you can get a lot creative with colors.


  • Supports PlayerWarps (by Olzie-12) integration. It shows the nearest warp to each shop in the search result GUI.
  • Supports EssentialsX Warps integration for fetching nearest warps.
    • Global warps list for essentials is updated in batches every 15 minutes due to technical limitations, which is then used in every search query.
    • If you added a new warp and want it to get updated immediately, run /finditemadmin reload
    • Remember, this applies only to Essential Warps.
  • WorldGuard region support for fetching the WorldGuard region the shop is in (if overlapping regions, highest priority will be chosen)


Download from SpigotMC