
DiscordSRV Addon


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DiscordSRV addon will allow you hook QuickShop-Hikari into your DiscordSRV, send real-time notifications to your players through Discord DM.

How it works

Addon will read DiscordSRV's player binding data and use DiscordSRV's API send embed messages to player.

Embed messages can be customize in use Language Override System.


# the config-version, don't touch it.
config-version: 2

# the moderator discord channel ID used for sending mod messages.
moderator-channel: "000000000000000000"

# the features should be enabled.
notify-shop-permission-changed: true
notify-shop-price-changed: true
notify-shop-transfer: true
notify-shop-out-of-stock: true
notify-shop-out-of-space: true
notify-shop-purchase: true
mod-notify-shop-purchase: true
mod-notify-shop-price-changed: true
mod-notify-shop-removed: true
mod-notify-shop-transfer: false

Per-player Settings

Players are able to use /quickshop discord <type> <enable/disable> to toggle personal notifaction settings.
