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Discount Addon


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Discount Addon added Discount Code in your QuickShop-Hikari server.


  • (default: everyone)
    Permission to use any /quickshop discount commands.
  • (default: OP)
    Permission to bypass the owner checks to force config discount codes, add non-self shops in allow list or remove a discount code.
  • (default: OP)
    Permission to create discount code that applied to all shops in your server.
  • (default: everyone)
    Permission to create discount code that applied to player themself shops.
  • (default: everyone)
    Permission to create discount code that applied to shops in the code allow list.

Create a discount code

To create a discount code, you need use discount command:

/quickshop discount create <code> <code-type> <rate> [max-usage] [threshold] [expired-time]

Command pretty long, but you have in-game command assistant to help you in your tab complete hint.

Available Code Type

  • SERVER_ALL_SHOPS (Applied to all shops in your server)
  • PLAYER_ALL_SHOPS (Applied to all shops belongs to code creator)
  • SPECIFIC_SHOPS (Applied to shops in allow list that added by command /quickshop discount config <code> addshop)

Install a code

To use a Discount Code, you need install them before purchase shops.

/quickshop discount install <code>

The installed code will remember during this session.

Uninstall a code

To uninstall a Discount Code, you need use command:

/quickshop discount uninstall <code>

Show detailes for a installed discount code

To use info subcommand, you can query the code creator, range, remaining usage, expired time, threshold and discount rate.

/quickshop disount info

Remove discount code

To remove your a specified discount code, execute command:

/quickshop discount remove <code>

Check if discount code can be applied to specific shop

You need install a discount code first, then you click the shop you want to check, a promot message will show up when you can enjoy the discount in this shop.
If code not accepted by target shop, you will also receive a warning message when you click it.

Apply the discounting

You need install a discount code first, then purchase a shop that accept your code.
Then discount will applied to your puchase, and your remaining count will be consumed.

NOTE: If the above additional conditions are not met, the Discount Code will not be applied and you will not get a discount, but at the same time, the Discount Code will not be consumed, and the prompt message will contain the specific reason.

Auto Purge Expired Code

An expired discount code will automaticlly removed while server startup or in 30mins.
Before they got purged, players who use a expired code will receive a error message that says the code has been expired.

Convert your time

Expired time accepts both Zulu Time format and UNIX Timestamp in seconds format:

There have a such pretty online website can help you convert the time:

For Zulu Time (ISO 8601 Extended) format:


Note that the server time zone is used for calculations during the conversion.