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0x05 Per shop permission

QuickShop-Hikari has a per shop permission management system.
Therefore, for a normal permission node check is not enough, you need to attach an additional check.

Check with shop

// check if a player has permission to search this shop (otherwise it should hide from search result)
boolean visible = shop.playerAuthorize(UUID, BuiltInPermission);

If the permission you need to check is from another plugin:

// player uuid, plugin instance, permission
boolean visible = shop.playerAuthorize(UUID, JavaPlugin, String);

Register yourself per-shop permission nodes

QuickShop internalInstance = ....;
ShopPermissionManager permManager = internalInstance.getShopPermissionManager();
permManager.registerPermission(BuiltInShopPermissionGroup.<GROUP_NAME>.getNamespacedNode(), this, "<permission node name here>");
// for example
permManager.registerPermission(BuiltInShopPermissionGroup.STAFF.getNamespacedNode(), this, "receive-discord-alert");
// you need register for everygroup you want to add, there no inheritance