
Shop Fees

QuickShop allow server administrator setup the shops fees for creating, changing prices.


#The cost to make a shop. Set to 0 for free.
cost: 10
#Should QS refund the player when their shops are deleted/removed/broken?
refund: false
# Should QS refund from the tax-account?
# refund is as much as possible, player may won't get all refund if the tax-account had no enough money.
refund-from-tax-account: false
#Should there be a fee for changing shop prices?
#This can help with endless price undercutting.
price-change-requires-fee: true
#The amount of this fee.
fee-for-price-change: 50
#Sets the name cost
name-fee: 0
#Sets the max length for shop naming
name-max-length: 32
#The shop ongoing fee.
#If the shop owner doesn't have enough money, the shop will automatically be removed.
enable: false
#How often should the ongoing fee be due for payment?
ticks: 42000
#How much should the ongoing fee be?
cost-per-shop: 2
#Should we ignore unlimited shops?
ignore-unlimited: true

Creation fee

It is controlled by shop.cost, set it to 0 for free.
You can refund the creation cost by turn on shop.refund option, and if you want refund player from quickshop tax account, you can also turn on option shop.refund-from-tax-account, but player may won't receive the refund if tax account run out of money.

Price changing fee

To prevent player change their shops price too frequently, you can turn on price changing fee by turn on option shop.price-change-requires-fee.
After the option is enabled, player need to pay the tax account money that specficed by shop.fee-for-price-change option everytime their changes.

Naming fee

You can set that require player pay for naming their shop by set option shop.name-fee to an non-zero number.
Everytime player want to change their shop's name, player must pay for it.

Ongoing Fee

To prevent players hold massive idle shops on your server, or keep the market balance, you can enable on-going fee.

When this feature enabled, player need to pay shop.ongoing-fee.cost-per-shop$ every shop.ongoing-fee.ticks game ticks, for every single shop they're owned.

If player cannot afford the ongoing-fee, the shops will be deleted.


QuickShop provide a system that allow you to tax.


#Tax amount (decimal)
#Example: P1 buys $50 worth of stuff from P2. Therefore, P1 loses $50, P2 gains $(1-0.05)*50, and the tax-account gains $(0.05)*50.
tax: 0.05

#The fake player where the tax money goes to.
#Set this to "" to disable it (Taxing will still work but not deposit to any account)
tax-account: tax

# Disable taxes for unlimited shop
tax-free-for-unlimited-shop: false

#Whether to show taxes paid when selling to a shop
show-tax: false

Transaction Tax

For every transaction, we will took some amount from transaction for tax, it controlled by option tax.

1 means 100%, 0.05 means 5%, you need convert the percentage to decimal format.

You can also turn on show-tax to allow player see the taxes included in transaction.

Tax Account

By default, all tax were going to a account named tax.
Depends on the difference in economy plugins and the design of your server, default value may won't work well, and you might want change it.

tax-account accepts both player username and player's uuid.