
Item Expression

Hikari allows you to use a string to represent or match items.

Matching with Material name

Fill in the Material name of Bukkit directly.

- BEDROCK # select items that matches given material name

You can find all materials in here.

Matching with Item Reference

Add @ prefix before item reference name.

- "@purediamond" # select items that matches with specfics item references

Please also check here

Matching with Enchantment


This feature added since Hikari-

Add % prefix before enchantment namespaced key.

- "%minecraft:sharpness" # select all items with sharpness enchantment
- "%minecraft:sharpness|1|3" # select all items with sharpness enchantment but only the enchantment level between 1 and 3
- "%ecoenchants:soulbound" # it also support 3rd-party enchantments IF they registered into Bukkit enchantments registry...