
Performance Tweaking

If you're running a larget network, you can tweak QuickShop-Hikari settings for better performance.


The default configuration of QuickShop-Hikari has achieved a moderate balance between performance and player friendliness, unless you notice that QuickShop-Hikari has affected the performance of the server, otherwise you do not need to perform optimization.

Trim the isolated data

While the QuickShop-Hikari working progress, some data will went to a isolated data which had no reference by any other records.

Trim the isolated data can improve the plugin startup time and database query time.

/quickshop database trim

Purge the history logs


Purge the history logs will also reset all QuickShop-Hikari metrics on this server, and have the risk make other addons who depend on internal-metrics stop working.

Take care and backup!

QuickShop-Hikari will record logs into database including:

  • System logs
  • Shop Creation
  • Shop Changes
  • Shop Deletion
  • Player Purchase
  • Any Transaction by QuickShop-Hikari

You can purge them by execute command:

/quickshop database purgelogs

Use Virtual DisplayItem


This feature is ENABLED by default but only works if you have ProtocolLib installed.

If you hadn't try Virtual DisplayItem yet, you totally should use it! It greatly improve the display performance and tick time.

See DisplayItem System

Turn off offline-player auto-complete


This feature is DISABLED by default.

The offline-player auto-complete can offer better experenice for player auto-complete.
But it can create massive Mojang API requests if server running under online-mode.
It can increase the load of Mojang's API server and may ban your ip for few mintues to too frequent requests.
Turn off this feature by set the settings in config.yml like below:

#Should QS use OfflinePlayer list for TabComplete?
#This might improve player experience, but may cause lag due to searching what can be a long list.
#false = Only use the OnlinePlayer list.
#true = A list of all players that have ever joined your server.
include-offlineplayer-list: false

Turn off responsive inventory stock/space recalculate


This feature is ENABLED by default.

QuickShop-Hikari will recalculate the shop inventory contents for update stock/space on hopper move event.
It may cause the heavy load the hurt the TPS on busy or redstone theme servers.

it can be disabled by change the setting below:

#Update the signs when something (eg Hoppers) triggers InventoryMoveItemEvent?
#Disable this if you think that it impacts your server performance.
update-sign-when-inventory-moving: false

Turn off display item auto despawn


This feature is DISABLED by default.

The display-auto-despawn will check ALL loaded shops location and calculate the distance with ALL online players who in the same world with target shop.
It can cause the heavy load on your server.

Disable this feature by change the setting below:

#Allow QuickShop to automatically despawn displays when no players are in range of the shop.
display-auto-despawn: false

Enable Async Owner Name Fetch


This feature is DISABLED by default.

You can adjust this option in config.yml:

  #[BETA] Should we async fetch the owner name?
#If you enable this option, the calls for ContainerShop#ownerName will return the cached result.
#If the request out of cache, QuickShop-Hikari will allow up to 20 ms for sync fetch username.
#Then it will turn to background and return "N/A" this time.
#This may cause some display problems (e.g. the info sign will show that the shop owner is N/A)
#But once the cache is completed for fetching in the background, the next request will return the correct username
#This is very useful for large servers, because sometimes players may accidentally load a large number of long ago shops, resulting in a large number of main route IO requests for username queries and causing a spike in lagging
async-owner-name-fetch: false

Disable QuickShop-Reremake shop sign migrating


This feature is DISABLED by default.

If your server is not migrated from QuickShop-Reremake, you should keep this option off to avoid unnecessary sign metadata checks.

# Legacy data updater
# Turn on this will make QuickShop to execute extra checks and may affect performance.
# Only turn it on when you updating from old versions.
shop-sign: false